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Global Dating Insights Asia Pacific Conference 2024

I still can't believe the privilege and honor it was to be invited as one of the 14 speakers at the highly regarded Global Dating Insights Asia Pacific Conference.

I can only ascribe glory to God for placing me at this conference.

In all honesty, I felt a little small amongst the giants in this industry who have much more experience than me. I was nervous about networking or what to expect as I've never been to such a conference.

The Lord was gracious in blessing me with this platform for me to connect with industry leaders and share insights on a topic close to my heart: "Navigating the Modern Christian Single Scene: Insights and Tested Strategies for your Dating Agency."

On one hand, I was excited that I got to represent the Christian Community and our faith. On the other hand, I was quite paiseh to share about such a niche market - what valuable insight can I offer them?

Upon reflecting, I realise... It's not about what I can offer to the industry players but what the Lord can do with the little that I have.

The session introduced Sacred Companion SG as a player on the dating landscape in Singapore.

The session itself was an enlightening journey. I had the remarkable opportunity to learn from an exceptional lineup of speakers, each offering their unique perspectives. From exploring the emergence of social discovery in the digital age to discussing the integration of AI into our dating experiences, the conversations delved into the ever-changing landscape of how people seek genuine connections.

I'm excited at the new opportunities that may come from the connections built. Seeking your prayers for wisdom as I navigate through this season.

Thank you everyone for being here and most importantly for your earnest prayers. 🙏🏻


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