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Hey SC Fam! We totally get that meeting new people can sometimes feel a bit awkward or tricky. But hey, we've found this cool random question generator that might just make things a whole lot easier.


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Post Event
Beyond small talk

At SCSG, we foster a culture of post-event gatherings where members have the opportunity to connect in a more relaxed setting. Many times, it's challenging to truly get to know someone during an event. That's where our post-event hangouts come in.

During these hangouts, members often come together for meals or simply spend time chatting after the event. These moments provide an excellent opportunity for genuine connections to form because everyone tends to be more at ease.

We understand that striking up conversations with strangers, especially spontaneously, can be awkward. Many of us often find ourselves unsure of what to talk about. That's precisely why we've created a list of questions that can be used during these post-event gatherings.


This set of questions can lead to diverse and meaningful conversations, each unique to the group of people present. Your own answers to these questions may even evolve as you navigate different seasons of life.


Introduce yourself...

These creative introductions not only provide information about the person but also add an interesting and engaging element to the conversation, making it easier for others to connect and relate.


Share a Travel Adventure:

"Hi, I'm [Name], and I'm a travel enthusiast. One of my favorite travels was to [destination] and discovering this hidden gem of a [unique experience]."​


The Book of Your Life:

"Hi, I'm [Name], and my life is like a book with chapters. Right now, I'm in the [current chapter], where [brief description]."


Musical Introduction:

"Hi, I'm [Name], and if my life had a soundtrack, the latest song on it would be [Song Title] because it perfectly captures the feeling of [emotion or experience]."


Dream Dinner Party Guest:

"Hi, I'm [Name], and if I could invite any historical figure to dinner, it would be [Person's Name] because I'd love to discuss [topic or reason]."


Life's Most Valuable Lesson:

"Hi, I'm [Name], and the most important life lesson I've learned so far is [lesson] because it helped me [impact on your life]."


Three Words That Describe You:

"Hi, I'm [Name], and if I had to describe myself in three words, they'd be [Word 1], [Word 2], and [Word 3]."


Bucket List Adventure:

"Hi, I'm [Name], and one thing on my bucket list is [bucket list item] because I've always wanted to experience [reason for the choice]."


Your Daily Motto:

"I'm [Name], and my daily motto is [motto] because it helps me stay [positive or focused mindset]."


Would you rather...

These "Would you rather" questions can help Christian singles explore their compatibility, values, and preferences in a lighthearted and engaging way while also discussing aspects of their faith and how it aligns with their relationship goals.​


We've categorized the questions into different topic groups, allowing each group to choose the one that interests them the most for discussion.


Faith and Values:

  1. Would you rather date someone from a different denomination who shares your values, or someone from the same denomination but has different values?

  2. Would you rather have a partner who is deeply involved in their church community or one who practices their faith more privately at home?

  3. Would you rather be in a relationship with someone who is open to theological discussions and debates, or someone who prefers to keep faith conversations light and practical?

  4. Would you rather date someone who is actively involved in charity work or someone who focuses on personal spiritual growth?

  5. Would you rather date someone who prioritizes forgiveness and grace in conflicts or someone who values justice and accountability?

  6. Would you rather be with someone who enjoys attending faith-based conferences and events or someone who prefers quiet, reflective worship?

  7. Would you rather have a partner who enjoys studying and discussing scripture daily or one who embraces a more casual approach to Bible reading?

  8. Would you rather be in a relationship with someone who feels called to a specific ministry or someone who supports your own calling?


Lifestyle and Interests:

  1. Would you rather date someone who enjoys adventurous outdoor activities like hiking and camping or someone who prefers indoor pursuits like reading and board games?

  2. Would you rather have a partner who is a morning person or a night owl?

  3. Would you rather be with someone who enjoys cooking and hosting dinner parties or someone who loves dining out and trying new restaurants?

  4. Would you rather date someone who is a minimalist and values simplicity or someone who enjoys collecting and decorating with meaningful items?

  5. Would you rather have a partner who is into fitness and physical health or someone who prioritizes mental and emotional well-being?

  6. Would you rather be in a relationship with someone who loves traveling and exploring new cultures or someone who prefers staying close to home?

  7. Would you rather date someone who is passionate about social justice causes or someone who focuses on personal self-improvement and growth?

  8. Would you rather have a partner who enjoys arts and culture events like concerts and museums or someone who prefers quiet, intimate gatherings with friends?

  9. Would you rather be with someone who is financially conservative and plans for the future or someone who enjoys living in the moment?

  10. Would you rather date someone who values environmental sustainability and eco-conscious living or someone who is less concerned about environmental issues?


Relationship Dynamics:

  1. Would you rather be in a relationship where you both prioritize spending quality time together or one where you value independence and personal space?

  2. Would you rather have a partner who prefers spontaneous, surprise gestures of love or someone who appreciates planned, thoughtful gestures?

  3. Would you rather date someone who is comfortable with public displays of affection or someone who prefers keeping affection private?

  4. Would you rather be with someone who enjoys regular date nights out or someone who prefers cozy nights in?

  5. Would you rather have a partner who believes in traditional courtship and takes things slow or someone who is more open to fast-paced dating?

  6. Would you rather date someone who is a good listener and provides emotional support or someone who is a problem solver and offers practical advice?

  7. Would you rather be in a relationship where you both have separate friend groups and interests or one where you merge your social lives more closely?

  8. Would you rather have a partner who enjoys discussing and planning for the future together or someone who focuses on living in the present?

  9. Would you rather date someone who is spontaneous and enjoys surprises or someone who values routine and predictability in a relationship?

  10. Would you rather be with someone who enjoys public celebrations of anniversaries and milestones or someone who prefers more private, intimate celebrations?

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