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Singles Seminar - The Gospel and the Single | BRMC Connect
Singles Seminar - The Gospel and the Single | BRMC Connect

Sat, 27 May



Singles Seminar - The Gospel and the Single | BRMC Connect

This Seminar is covers what the Bible says about singleness particularly about the singles identity, the ultimate goal of singleness and the sufficiency of Christ for singles. Read more:

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Time & Location

27 May 2023, 9:00 am – 4:00 pm

Singapore, 48 Barker Rd, Singapore 309917

About the Event


The theme of this Equip Singles Seminar is "The Gospel and the Single."  This Seminar is open to all who want to know what the Bible says about singleness particularly about the singles identity, the ultimate goal of singleness and the sufficiency of Christ for singles   

Come early at 9am to mix and mingle...light refreshments & simple lunch provided. The event begins at 9.30. 


  1. What does the bible say about singleness? What is the single's identity? How can singles glorify God? 
  2. What is the ultimate goal of singleness? 
  3. How can we as singles strengthen the church? How can the church encourage and build up singles? 
  4. The single and sufficiency of Christ - how can we know Christ is enough for the single? How can the single know contentment in Christ? 

Registration Deadline: 20 May 2023  

How to get to venue:

Our keynote speaker is Pastor Oliver Chia. Oliver (or Ollie as many of his friends call him), has been serving as a pastor at Grace Baptist Church since December 2010. He has served as Pastor for youth and young adults and later care-groups, before serving as Pastor of Outreach and Discipleship Ministries. Before serving a stint at the Ministry of Education Headquarters, he used to teach secondary school biology and chemistry. Now he teaches God’s Word, reaches and points people to Jesus Christ. He graduated from the National University of Singapore with a degree in Biology, received training from the National Institute of Education, and graduated from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is a single man in ministry with a weakness for good coffee. In his free time, he trains at boxing and plays at Brazilian Jiujitsu.

Discover more about him here:


  • 30 minutes

    Light Refreshment (mix and mingle)

  • 15 minutes

    Introductions & Ice Breakers

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