Desiring God as your first love
Trusting Him with your next
This platform is dedicated to Protestant Christians who genuinely desires true love. It is my prayer that each of you will journey closely with our Lord Jesus Christ and in doing so, find the partner that God has planned for you.

Our Impact

*This count includes recurring participants, as each event varies in approach, participants, and dynamics—offering a unique experience and impact every time. Hence, we count them in.

*This count includes include speaking engagements, collaborations, social gatherings, Bible studies, cell group sessions, and workshops.

Couples connected
*This count includes those who informed us about their relationship. There may be others we are unaware of. All glory to God for bringing these couples together. We continue to pray for their faithful, God-honoring journey.
Our social impact was last updated on 31 December 2024, with tracking starting from 2022.
Please scroll to the bottom of the site to read client reviews.
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Our community is formed with members across 110 different churches

Meet new people
Explore a range of events by different organizers.
Connect with people that share the same interest, hobby or passion by participating in social events.
Navigate the season of singleness with coffee chats, bible study sessions and workshops.
Date Ideas
Looking for fresh date ideas as a Christian single in Singapore? Skip the usual dinner and try unique experiences from three categories—Easy on the Wallet, Romantic, and Unique Experiences.
Each offers a chance to connect meaningfully, whether you’re exploring scenic parks, enjoying creative sessions, or sharing a cozy moment together.
These activities go beyond meals, helping you get to know each other in relaxed, memorable ways while building a deeper connection aligned with your faith.

Marketplace for Christian dating
We thank God for the many churches and individuals who have answered the call to serve in the marketplace for Christian dating.
Click on our "marketplace" tab to view the list of ministries and vendors that organizes activities for Christian singles.
In the current age, "human-touch" is lacking in businesses as we start automating manual processes. Don't get me wrong - technology can increase efficiency and there is good in that (this view aligns with my day job in the advisory space).
The nature of dating is a relational one. Being a single herself, Grace experienced the alienating feeling of receiving "automated replies or politically correct answers" in her dating journey.
That is why she decided to be more personal - sharing stories, highlights and reflections on our Instagram @sacredcompanionsg.
At Sacred Companion SG, we advocate being real and talking about topics that matter.
If you do not have Instagram, fear not. Important posts will be published on our blog too!

Support for your journey
What if you're not ready to date or need more time to heal from a relationship?
Here are some activities that has helped me greatly as I navigate through singlehood.
Our vision
We envisage a world where Protestant Christian singles are supported in their search for a God-centered marriage between a man and a woman.
Our mission
Building a platform and community that supports Protestant Christian singles in their journey of seeking God's kingdom.
But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well - Matthew 6: 33 (NIV)
Our motto
Desiring God as our first love, trusting Him with our next.
Delight yourself in the LORD, and He will give you the desires of your heart.
Commit your way to the LORD; trust in Him, and He will act - Psalms 37:4-5 (NIV)
Our values
Kingdom mindset
Placing God's priorities over our wants - Matthew 16:24-26
Partnering with other churches - Philippians 1:3-5
Being faithful in our calling for this ministry while committing it to the Lord - may His will be done.
This isn’t just a job; it’s a calling, and we love it!

Our brand
Our logo symbolizes 2 souls refreshed in the Holy Trinity - Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
The law of the Lord is perfect, refreshing the soul. The statutes of the Lord are trustworthy, making wise the simple - Psalm 19:7
Our founder
According to 2020's population census, the percentage of Christians in Singapore stands at 18.9%. For every 10 person you meet, about 1 - 2 of them are Christians.
Bearing in mind that this number includes both single and married Christians, it poses a real challenge for singles who wish to find a partner with the same faith.
Grace experienced her fair share of dating woes as she swipes through dating apps, consulted dating agencies and attended dating events.
She founded Sacred Companion SG in 2021 with the aim of better supporting Christian singles in their search for a godly partner.
Click here to view our article feature on
Assistant Manager - Management Reporting (Accounting Big 4 Firm)
Dating Practitioner (Social Development Network)*
Speaker at 2023's Global Dating Insights (GDI) Asia Pacific Conference
Enneagram Coach (International Enneagram Association)
Certificate of Church Ministry (Singapore Bible College)
Certificate of Youth Ministry (Scripture Union)
Singles Ministry Lead and WorkComm Member (Bethel Presbyterian Church)
WSQ Advanced Certificate in Learning and Performance (Institute for Adult Learning)
Advanced Diploma in Accountancy (Ngee Ann Polytechnic)
The SDNTrust Accreditation Framework and its Trustmark will cease end of 2022 for SDN to explore new efforts to better support the local dating sector.
Despite the sunset of this courses, we wish to assure you that Sacred Companion will continue providing quality services to our clients.
Grace has been trained and equipped with the following SDN courses prior to starting Sacred Companion SG.
How to establish and manage a dating business (EMDB)
Organise a dating event (OADE)
Provide personalised dating services (PPDS)

Due to the sensitivity of our industry, our reviews remain anonymous in order to protect the identity of our clients.
SC Jewel Hunt
12 Oct 2024
"Plenty of eateries to sit down and chat at" - Male, 28
"Program flow allows much time for deeper conversations, not rush" - Female, 29
"The concept of this outing was interesting: in various group, we would brainstorm different ideas of what to do on a date. It was fun to meet and connect with new friends." - Female, 29
"Chance to play games in diff grps, space to do own activities" - Male, 30
"This event allows us to discuss our preferences on dating and learn more about one another" - Female, 31
"I'm getting better, I wish to communicate with them more" - Male, 31
"Had quite pleasant connection with my group mates!" - Female, 32
"I appreciated that we opened the event with a prayer and had the opportunity to go through 3 rotations through drawing lots. It seemed like God was sovereign over every detail of the event.
It was also encouraging to see that many attendees came back repeatedly to attend events over more than a year. And many had developed friendships outside." - Female, 33
"It was quite a relaxing and chill event. Don't get to go to Jewel that often too!" - Male, 33
"Very adventurous and get to know more new friends." - Female, 34
"I usually don't really fancy social events but decided to join for this one because there is no pressure to make new friends or form new relationships, so I went to this event with no expectations in mind. And with that, I had fun! Thank you!" - Female, 35
"The notebook is amazing! Well designed programs. There are chances to meet more people and know others more." - Female, 36
"Feels like a good mix of convos and activities to keep the group engaged" - Male, 36
"Fresh concept" - Male, 37
"The conversation during the activity where it helps both genders understand the other genders better" - Male, 39
"Good interactions" - Female, 42
"Creative, refreshing, fun, interactive." - Female, 49
"It is flexible n organiser emphasised that meeting new friends r more important than activities itself / gave adequate time between rotations. Thanks for organising this!" - Female, 49
"Good program interaction" - Male, 54
SC Mid-Autumn Stroll
11 Sep 2024
"A mix of casual and in depth convos. Patience" - Female, 28
"I like that we mix around and get to know one another. And the event is like back to the basic, nostalgia and simple. Having some good old memories with people and get to interact with this shared memories. 👍🏼" - Female, 28
"Just the different vibes coz it’s Lantern Festival. The strolling was good. Just quite hot and humid." - Female, 31
"Wanted to go for a casual semi-structured free flow event." - Female, 31
"I love how the organiser prepared everything detailedly with the mooncake, sparklers and lantern. I liked how the walk and how we got the opportunity to know each other better through the walk.
I like how refreshments were thoughtfully prepared too!" - Female, 33
"Really have the memories as a child going out with lanterns and playing sparkling." - Female, 34
"Such a nice event reminding of childhood memories. Thanks Grace and (Facil 2) for the event - prepared us childhood snacks. I enjoyed this experience." - Female, 37
"Was too tired yesterday, hoping you can extend the deadline for filling up the form by 1 day" - Male, 28
"Fun and games with fellow Christians both inside chapel and outside nearby" - Male, 32
"It was a fun and relaxing walk in the neighbourhood and a nostalgic time!" - Male, 33
"Couldn’t articulate this before but today I finally understood this difference. This felt like a safe space where there wasn’t any anxiety or expectations. You could just come sit and listen to the sharing by others and genuinely get to know others better - both genders. I did enjoy the fellowship with the guys as much as I enjoyed the conversations with the ladies." - Male, 36
"This one is more free and easy. Thank you Grace and (Facil 2) for your ministry for God's Kingdom!" - Male, 38
SC² Friendship Quest
17 Aug 2024
"I enjoyed the park and that we were given our own free time to chat and complete the activities!:)" - Female, 24
"Rotations with fun & achievable activities to complete while on the walk, which made it a good & healthy morning spent!" - Female, 29
"Event is well organized :)" - Female, 30
"The rotations were good. I got to spend time getting to know more people. The amount of time allocated for each activity was suitable too." - Female, 32
"I like that there were “tasks” for us to do, helped us to connect as a group. Thank you for planning!" - Female, 32
"No pressure, always free to mingle around one wishes!" - Female, 33
"Enjoyed the interaction with each other. It was not so rush, and we have more time with each rotation. It'll be good to have the 3rd rotation also. Great job organisers! 😊" - Female, 35
"Thank you so much for organizing. It was very well planned (with all the detailed briefing and PDF file to refer to). Thanks for taking the effort to organize this activity. Had fun 😊" - Female, 35
"The location venue was very scenic. The tasks / activities was very well planned like creative post or video. My group all had fun, finding good scenic spots & different pose ideas for the activity 😄" - Female, 37
"SC events are well pre-planned and organised on the day. An organic platform to meet fellow believers in person with fun interactivities, life exchanging and pursing same goal in mind. Thanks so much for the time, energy and effort you put into it." - Female, 37
"Appreciate the organisers putting in so much care, considerations and thoughts to ensure the event is safe and fun for everyone in the kingdom. Happy to make kingdom friends through this activity. 😍🙏" - Female, 38
"The activities helped to facilitate the interactions. Liked the part that we prayed at the start - reminder to hand it to God and He watched over the whole event.
Please do more walks/hikes! I like them hahaha. And thank you for organising! Much effort goes into it!" - Female, 38
"Organisers are flexible to extend segment timing as well as to stop the Part 3 (to allow participants time to hv leisurely lunch n in consideration of weather). Truly appreciate the organisers for all your efforts n hard work to organise this !" - Female, 49
"The opportunity to 'request' to connect with ev'ry individual after events, tho its up to individual's discretion." - Male, 27
"I like how the entire event serves to break the ice and helps to form connections with others through the actions we were tasked to do.Eg discuss on what sort of shot to take based on the ndp video' - Male, 29
"Group interactions helps to keep the conversation flowing" - Male, 29
"Event allows individuals to connect on a personal touch with immersing and engaging conversations along the way." - Male, 32
"Organic Event and chill and engaging and heartwarming to see a grp of community coming together to be there for each others" - Male, 32
"Concern for heat injury risk, approachable and heartfelt organisers, one-sided match option" - Male, 32
"It was a fun and chill event, I think the scenery and the walk really helped to create a low pressure environment for us to interact and have conversations!" - Male, 33
"Can talk about life and enjoy the moments. Can meet more friends and have a meaningful conversation." - Male, 35
"This event stands out as more time for interaction during the journey we walk from one place to another" - Male, 38
"It was a good nature walk and forming connections with Christian brothers and sisters." - Male, 39
"Meeting new friends and building friendship as SC's main event objective makes it easy for interaction" - Male, 40
"Low cost. More activity varieties" - Male, 41
"Nice event booklet. Pity not all the rotations could be completed." - Male, 47
"Cohesive Interaction" - Male, 54
Chillax Night #7
24 Jul 2024
"The event is well organized :)" - Female, 30
"I liked that there were quite a few rotations to get to know more people both in pairs and in groups. It was an enjoyable evening overall :)" - Female, 32
"Stress free, causal way to know and meet new people!" - Female, 33
"Good games, had fun and it was relaxing." - Female, 33
"Get to know people in an organic way." - Female, 33
"Okay larr.. managed to find 2-3 connectable friendss. HaHH" - Female, 36
"Grouping and interactive session pre-game took good part in breaking ice and engaging. Practical experiences mingle with similar minded." - Female, 37
"Relaxed and fun atmosphere, easy to connect with others in this setting, and really liked how the Jenga had questions on it to facilitate conversation" - Female, 39
"Enjoyed a really good time of fellowship discussing about our status as singles and encouraging one another. Playing card games was really a good way to break the ice as we laughed and chat along the way." - Male, 27
"Can do more forced rotations for people to mingle. But thank you for organising!" - Male, 29
"Can have good connection with like minded friends" - Male, 33
"Good discussions, wish I had more time to interact with more people" - Male, 33
"Not intimidating :)" - Male, 36
"Hmm…it’s just good time and good fun with everyone. Thank you for providing such a platform" - Male, 36
"I had attended such an event before. I find the setting for this event to be very suitable and appropriate. Sitting in an air conditioned environment and being able to mingle collectively is the best technique to connect. I enjoy such gatherings, the price is decent and ambience is comfortable." - Male, 36
"Good event location with public transport connection" - Male, 40
"Pricing is reasonable, organizer provides feedback form to facilitate the exchange of contacts" - Male, 47
SC Socials Night (June Edition)
22 Jun 2024
“My first time attending SC events though I have been receiving emailers for awhile now. I particularly like this event because there’s discussion about dating in Christian perspective in a very meaningful way. The breakout groups and swops to ask question is good. I like the flow and particularly how the facilitators went around the groups to throw “dynamites” to help us think deeper. That’s particularly helpful because we (or maybe just me) jaded with the dating scene and wonder how do we navigate this better. It helps us to think deeper to our own list and biases. Thankful!” - Female, 36
"This is my first event. I like that it really has a chill, family, friends kind of vibe. I enjoyed the location photoshoots as we can get to know one another as we walk towards the pre-set location." - Female, 32
E.g. I like the brainstorming activities, especially the ones focusing on the Bible and church, as it helps us to engage the brain, remember things and people better.
Thank you all your time, energy, effort, prayers and wisdom in putting such an unique event together for Christians,
God Bless.” - Male, 33
“Its well organised and everyone was doing their best to make the session more fun and interesting “ - Female, 31
“I appreciate the friendly and honest debate between both genders when it comes to discussing our expectations of the other party. Happy to be part of a supportive and encouraging community :) “ - Female, 31
“I really like the part where it's like school and we can do a group discussion, do a mutual sharing with another group. It really deepens the mutual understanding -- like it's not such a big group but also not too small and can get to discuss topics that are closer to our hearts more intensely. “ - Female, 33
“The sharing about various qualities we would like to see in the other gender was done in an encouraging, deep and scripture-backed way.” - Male, 28
“I appreciated that the atmosphere was one that was non pressuring, non threatening, yet everyone was able to interact with one another naturally around a common goal with God at the centre.
I think this is a step up from using dating apps because of the above and the value in that is that one gets to observe who gravitates to who socially, an element that is sorely lacking in dating apps. “ - Male, 40
“The last part where we go back to the scriptures and remind ourselves that these are brothers and sisters in Christ and God loves them equally as well - to reduce judgement on our end and see them through the lens of God.” - Female, 39
“I think that today went well! I think that regardless of the substance of the conversations, social nights seem to be the way to go to sieve out the thoughts and motivations of participants. I think this is a great event in season of SC.” - Female, 35
“I like the session of sharing openly about the traits list from Male’s and Female’s group. The Q&A was a good communication and it was good for me to understand the point of view from others. There were some aha moment which was very helpful. This is my first event and I appreciate the chance to know more people and the potentials to develop some relationship further. Thanks!”
- Female, 36
“I liked the honesty in sharing and getting to know each other better with clear intent, especially when during dinner, the guys are courageous enough to initiate being mixed with a different group of females and asked questions and answers candidly and openly.
The sisters are also very friendly encouraging and uplifting. Overall a very good experience and practical opportunities to actually get to meet and know people.” - Female, 37
“Interaction chances are abit more biblical and intentional. “ - Male, 27
“I think its more like a gathering of friends than a dating event” - Male, 30
“Learning from each other through group sharing sessions” - Female, 37
“The friendly, cordial and open atmosphere. It was great to be able to hear on these topics so openly from each other in a safe and welcoming environment.” - Female, 39
“Enjoyed the edifying discussions, where everyone was open to sharing, hearing and receiving from one another. “ - Female, 40
“Get to understand what the other gender are looking for in a partner and learn that what we look out for in a partner may not exactly be what we imagine them to be. Another insightful way of looking into dating relationships!” - Male, 29
“The biblical discussion part, drawing what is good for us to do from bible verses! Also, spontaneous conversations springing from what people presented. I think this all helps to discern spiritual maturity of different ones. And Grace sharing her thoughts about conflict management and to consider whether one's words is encouraging/loving before speaking.” - Female, 42
“Really enjoyed having a safe space to connect with like minded people. I felt very comfortable and it was not awkward like other settings I’ve been in. I was able to relax and be myself and it was great to be able to talk openly. I wish I had known about you guys earlier!” - Female, 47
“I enjoyed the time we spent in our group discussions, having dinner, studying God's word and remembering His goodness.” - Male, 31
“The rotations during ice breakers are great opportunities for us to talk to many different people 1-to-1” - Male, 32
“Ideas are good, food is nice too!”
- Male, 32
“Christian focus activities were pleasant and encouraging. But I believe I enjoy the session more so because of the crowd that turn up that day:)” - Male, 36
“Deeper discussions on the way to move forward, criterias to consider for both in a partner and also dealing with own insecurities and shortcomings, and conflicts and differences that may arise in the dating phase” - Male, 36
SC² Stroll & Chill
11 May 2024
"The event is well organized and facilitated. Everyone was friendly and I enjoyed the conversations we had." - Female, 27
"The thoughtful icebreaker questions and activities really help to get conversations going. Though having 2 rotations were good to mix everybody around, it does feel like the time spent with each group is short. Especially the group for ice breaker questions. Overall, thanks as always for the solid planning, SC!" - Female, 28
"Activities were fun :) but not enough time to know the names of everyone" - Female, 30
"I only attended discussion/sharing based events before so this is my first outdoor event! Overall it was a well-thought out event and I appreciate the hard work put in to make this event a success. It was great meeting people in a fun yet comfortable setting 😊" - Female, 31
"This is my first event. I like that it really has a chill, family, friends kind of vibe. I enjoyed the location photoshoots as we can get to know one another as we walk towards the pre-set location." - Female, 32
"There’s no stress in meeting new people and the activities planned were fun! It was such a joy to step out of the comfort zone. Am glad I came today :)" - Female, 33
"The effort put into the event - well organized (:" - Female, 33
"It will be better to photo hut at 1 place instead of going to many locations that is based on the booklet . Reason it's a very hot day, hot day it's a good thing but hot day but the wind blow is very hot also but I truly appreciate your team effort." - Female, 33
“Good walk and locations spread.” – Female, 34
“ Walks are good (but walk a bit too much today), rotations are good for us to know more people. 😍” – Female, 35
“Decently paced walk with easy to locate landmarks. Many possible pit stops for resting along the way. Activities that helped people to be more engaged with each other and help to learn more about others within the group better. Great event I had fun! :)) ” – Female, 35
“Meticulous planning, creative group activities for fellowship opportunities, friendly and warm hospitality by organizers. Great job! ” – Female, 36
“Regrouping allows me to meet other people. Not "forced" to mingle with people over meals but have the chance to meet others that we have not met after the event through lunch/dinner.” – Female, 36
“First event I have attended. I felt alot of effort was put into planning and organising of the event for such a big group of participants.” – Female, 36
“Well organized and good to have had the chance to make new friends.” – Female, 37
“Good Christian engagement for friendship/relationship. Tasks for group to complete is full of fun. Thanks, good job.” – Female, 37
“I like that the group event had a good balance of gender and the group limit capacity was relatively large ie. 60pax. There were good icebreaker qns included as well. Overall it was very well organised!” – Female, 37
“The programme was super well planned!! Loved how comprehensive the booklet was! And the rotations were good, though if we could be grouped and rotated with similar age group people, it would be great” – Female, 38
“Activity and group rotation” – Female, 41
“I enjoyed the first half because our group formed randomly.” – Female, 42
“First time so unable to comment. Quite a big team but still well executed, will be great to have more time given to interact n socialize.” – Female, 52
“Quite new to attending these types of social events.” – Male, 26
“The photo challenge gives the team a goal to work towards. It is good for team building.” – Male, 28
“The fact that we can mingle with more people because of the rotations. It’s quite good” – Male, 28
“I don’t have any experience to similar events, but I think the activities are great and just enough for us to get to know each other.” – Male, 30
“The photo hunt based on clues. It makes it more fun. Also, it's an urban area compared to other nature places. I like. Today's group is big enough and there are multiple rotations to get to know people” – Male, 30
“Not the usual sit-down discussion - I enjoyed the various challenges which required teamwork!” – Male, 31
“Have a good time of fellowship and interaction with each other and organic events” – Male, 31
“The games were thought-out and well organized. Kudos to Grace, Daniel and Eisen!” – Male, 32
“Thanks for organizing this event. It was a nice walk and great weather where we get to fellowship with other Christian Single during our Grouping and Rotation. Please organize more of this kind of event activities.” – Male, 32
“Meeting people totally out of my comfort zone helps me grow my social and emotional capacity.” – Male, 33
“Organic event to get to know people.” – Male, 33
“The routes are well-planned, and achieving the objectives within the time frame was challenging yet possible. Everyone was awesome despite the insane tropical heat!” – Male, 33
“Being outdoors is awesome. Getting to move through environments. But maybe next time a walk is better without all the game checkpoints. Stressful navigating” – Male, 34
“I think this event have activities that make us more open and willing to interact. Such as the photo taking.” – Male, 34
“I thought it was just chill and walk, but there were team rotations with a good mix of gender. The photo hunt was genius, it was fun, and we have photos to keep as memories. Thank you, the committee, planning for the wonderful event!” – Male, 34
“A well-planned event.” – Male, 37
“Nothing stands out, but in a good way. Can start with a song or read a short scripture passage before the walk.” – Male, 38
“I appreciate the part where besides the stroll and photo hunt, we also have games too.” – Male, 39
“Well thought out and planned” – Male, 40
“Overall is quite good, but with room for some improvements.” – Male, 47
“I think it is good to provide this like-to-know-more about the bros/sis post-event request. As we can follow up with each other after the event. Thanks, and jiayou! May God bless you and your team richly, for your hard work. :-)” – Male, 51
“Ice breaker games” – Male, 53
“I like the thoughtful activities, in particular looking out for the landmarks using photos. Also, going to areas that are less familiar and quaint. I got to see parts of Singapore that I did not know about. These activities helped us to get to know one another better and mingle. I also liked the ice breaker question about false ideas in childhood as these questions were deeper and more original; and not superficial. Deeper and more thoughtful questions get people to share more. In terms of future activities, maybe a cultural site or museum or movie. For the charade’s activity, perhaps it could be held earlier as we were quite tired after the walk. Thank you for the great effort! Will recommend it to possible friends.” – Male, 56
SC Socials Night (April Edition)
28 Apr 2024
"The is the first singles event I attended that's targeted towards Christians as I previously was not aware such groups exist haha” - Female, 38
“Everyone is quite encouraging”
- Female, 30
“Felt it was a good reflection since many of us are in different life stages with friends at this age and so many of us have different priorities.“ - Male, 33
“Tonight’s workshop gave me a sense that I am not alone. Heart is full. :) ” - Female, 33
“Well timed discussions that touch on a variety of topics about friendship and really facilitate in depth discussions in the groups. Thanks grace for the planning! ”
- Female, 35
“The event today was very fun and engaging. I met many new friends through the event, and we got to discuss in our groups about friendships and different concerns. I love everyone's sharing and also Grace's perspective of certain things. “
- Female, 36
“Non threatening environment for Christian singles to share and forge friendships/ relationships ” - Female, 55
“Break out groups that rotate each round, whole big group is also a comfortable number. Good time keeping and time management 👍” - Female, 28
“Authentic sharing, open discussions, humor." - Male, 54
“I appreciate the structured discussion, it was helpful to seed our minds for the discussion. The dinner qns were a bit intense and awkward, it would have been good to have some fun qns or what qns e.g. what recent milestones have you celebrated with your friends?” - Male, 33
“No pressure “ - Male, 33
“Good event programme” - Male, 40
“In this event, I get to delve deeply into what the challenges of keeping in contact with friends in a different season & stage of life and knowing that I’m not alone, helps a lot! It was a meaningful session because we could exchange our thoughts and discuss about our different experiences and also ending off with God’s words to help navigate this area of our life, helps a lot too because only with the encouragement of God’s words and people with similar season, it’s helpful to journey together to lift each other up by journeying with each other in our ups & downs together!💪🏼😊“ - Female, 29
BRMC Equip Singles Conference
6 Apr 2024
"I loved that the session was very interactive. I loved Corinne's energy. I was surprised that we had snacks, coffee, tea & lunch. I loved how much honesty, gentleness & love was being shared. Thank you for sharing so much real scenarios that helps us in this journey."
"Very good session for Christians. I enjoyed the fact that older parents came and gave insights to relationships."
"Thank you!!! <3"
"It is great way to know other singles and also for the events targeted for our group."
"Thank you for the insights of dating agencies and revealing the truths - something that I wish I have been told. And so are the online dating and apps. This has been encouraging."
"Very insightful. Learned alot from Grace's presentation, role playing, and sharing from various participants too. Appreciate this open format where participants can share and learn from each other too."
"Good - Facilities, food, discussion topics, prayer, including people of all ages
Improvement - Can we have hourly breaks please?"
"This session was very informative, as someone with no experience in dating. Grace, Corinne, and other participants openly shared their experiences & knowledge, and make me feel very welcome. I appreciated how so much wisdom is packed into the materials, and sharing. Truly God speaks through us when we gather in His name."
"Grateful to the organizers for holding this conference. Very heartening to hear from perspectives from all walks of life. Glad to hear that we singles are not alone in walking this journey. Wish that there will be support for us singles by churches across Singapore because it is a very lonely walk. Looking forward to more enriching events in the future with you all. <3"
"Good and comprehensive sharing on dating apps and scene in Singapore today, and what to expect. Perhaps can give more examples on scenarios (i.e., do scenario based for a larger proportion of the sharing because some of us may not be familiar with the modern dating scene). I feel like the sharing and Q&As were very good and insightful. I feel we need even more time to discuss!"
"Good sharing session"
"Awesome insightful session!"
"Thank you for organizing the session. The session was definitely a fruitful and meaningful one for me, coming from a very different generation.
What I like about the session:
1. Grace and her generosity in sharing info she has researched over the years.
2. The boundaries set for the session so all are mindful and respectful of privacy and confidentiality.
3. This gave confidence for all to share candidly which enriched the session with a sense of sincerity to keep all abreast of info not journaled anywhere.
4. The interactive mode allowed people to find new friends in God’s kingdom plus made the session lively.
What could be better:
1. If time permitted, perhaps breaking into groups according to Male and Female and single and married so to allow more relatable opportunities to share challenges.
Thank you so much."
Chillax Night #6
20 Mar 2024
“I like how the ice breaker, and the whole event was facilitated. The games available gave options for casual fun or conversation starters. I especially like the Jenga game that combined both aspects, having fun, while picking a random question to answer.” - Female, 31
“Didn't attended similar experience before but overall I felt that it provide everyone to be on the same page and pretty chill and casual 👍“ - Male, 31
“First event! but I'm glad ice breaker games were included.“ - Female, 26
“A safe interaction for Christian communities” - Female, 27
“Organic ” - Female, 27
“Good to have facilitated rotations (:” - Female, 32
“I haven't attended any similar events before, but it was a fresh experience getting to know other Singapore Christians who are mostly 2-10 years older than me. Helps me see how Christians of this age group see life, as that will likely be my life in the near future.” - Male, 25
“The grouping ideas make us easier to mingle with each other. This is a very point. ” - Female, 36
“The light heartedness of the event, it is my first time attending a mingling event in a church. Love the card games. ” - Female, 41
“It's genuine and doesn't feel forced” - Male, 29
“Good activity to unwind :)“ - Male, 32
“It was a good informal way to get to know new people!“ - Male, 32
“A more casual setting, having games like table talk can get to know what others perspective.” - Male, 32
“This still stands out for the board games with facilitating conversations. But maybe one draw back is maybe need some help to speed up the setup of the games.” - Male, 35
“I think the card games that stimulate convo is less intimidating than a convo over a meal. That stands out to me. Thanks for organising! Hope there can be similar events such as this in future. “ - Male, 40
Celebrating Singleness
3 Feb 2024
“Really appreciate having the different events eg card games, table soccer and karaoke in place, so that provides a relaxing context to get to know each other better. Also the questions for sharing were very helpful to provide some form of support for singlehood as we navigate this together” - Female, 42
“It’s quite nice that we don’t have the pressure of having to meet someone romantically interested in, but rather can just have fun and get to know others! Thanks for the initiative ! :) “ - Male, 28
“Thank team for organising this event. Lots of laughters n can see all the questions you have prepared for us by heart. Indeed expanded circle in Christ and exchanges from my peers. “ - Female, 37
“Grace is great at pulling everyone together. 加油! The sharing and bonding today was evident. It's just that the venue could have been cosier. Maybe next time? 🤞🏻” - Female, 49
“The HTHTs during and after the event during dinner fellowship are the single most important segments in helping our single journeys” - Male, 36
“It was great fun and relaxing time just mingling and interacting with Christian singles in a casual setting!😊”
- Female, 35
“Thank u for planning this! It was lovely meeting everyone and having such deep conversations :)” - Female, 27
“It was great, it was really fun and a safe space for us to get to know each other. The activities such as pool, card games and karaoke really helped us to unwind and get comfortable to interact. The conversations and topics were also really wholesome and insightful, and helped us to get to know each other.” - Male, 33
“Thankful for Grace organizing this event where we can all mingle around and play different activities. “ - Female, 40
“It’s a really chill event. So glad I came with someone I know, it helps with reducing the anxiety and the awkwardness. “ - Male, 30
Thank you for the meaningful event and the debrief to redirect our focus on things that matter." - Male, 32
“ChatGPT cannot describe the excellent experience from how Grace has curated her events.” - Male, 33
“Thanks for serving The Lord in the area for singles ministry which is quite neglected in the church! “ - Female, 42
“Chill way to know somebody!” - Male, 28
“Thanks for organizing with a variety of game choices“- Female, 34
“Thanks Grace for organising this wonderful event get to talk and know so many people during this event.” - Male, 34
“Will recommend to my friends” - Male, 46
“Thankful for the organiser to gather us together to celebrate singleness by talking about how our individual single hood is and how by gathering together, we support each other in our journey as well. There was time for games like table tennis, pool, table soccer, darts and karaoke, it was a fun-filled afternoon!🥳 The organiser also carefully and sincerely gave us a single rose to bring home to remind us that Jesus cherishes us profoundly ❤️Instead of us seeing a rose symbolising our relationship status of being single.” - Female, 29
Beach Clean up
13 Jan 2024
"I like this beach cleaning activity. Something I haven’t been doing for quite long, and felt like as a Christian community is great to have such activities tgt in a group. More than just knowing people, but doing things that contribute back to the community" - Female, 28
"Really enjoyed it! Appreciate events where there’s a hands-on activity to engage in, it helps to take the pressure off of getting to know the other person. Also a good way to quickly decipher common interests. I think it was also very well planned and executed, I can see a lot of thought goes into the events especially when it comes to psychological safety and also facilitating deeper conversations. Thanks Grace and SC team for the awesome facilitation! Looking forward to more volunteering type events." - Female, 28
"The beach cleaning event was just right, in terms of group size and post event hang out dynamics. It was a safe space to discuss about singleness and dating. Come and see for yourself!" - Female, 29
"Great way to make new friends and do a small part for the environment at the same time" - Female, 32
"Thanks for organising such a meaningful event. Get to know new friends through this event. Hopefully there will be more!" - Female, 33
"It was a nice chill event and I particularly like the reflective part of it. Nice to meet others with similar interests and get to know them better through the event :)" - Female, 35
"It was a meaningful event, an eye opener to learning what it means to care for God's creation. Thank you!" - Female, 36
"The entire event was quite fun. Didn't feel any pressure to mingle with everyone but rather at my own pace. Totally would recommend it to my friends" - Male, 29
"The contemplative beach cleanup was an enjoyable and God-honouring way to love our neighbor by cleaning the environment and to make new friends!" - Male, 31
"The event made me think of my environmental impact and our ownership to the environment. Seeing the scale of plastics, styrofoam and trash that we collected, and all the fragments that we had to leave behind, it is thought-provoking.
Thank you for the meaningful event and the debrief to redirect our focus on things that matter." - Male, 32
"It was fun! Got to know some new people too." - Male, 33
"I enjoyed the Collab with Creation Care :)" - Male, 33
"Interesting event to collaborate with creation care and got to enjoy nature especially the sea breeze." - Male, 34
Sip & Stroll
2 Dec 2023
"Thanks for planning and organising, it was a well thought out event and I thoroughly enjoyed myself. Thank you!!" - Female, 28
"Thanks so much for the effort to organise this! Really appreciate it :) made some new friends tooo" - Female, 30
"This is my 2nd time attending such social event. What i like about this sip and stroll event is the stroll segment where i can get to talk to more people. (: thank you TCC and SC for organising and hosting the event!" - Female, 30
"Very well organised event that facilitated getting to know other Christian singles in an informal way." - Female, 31
"Love the events of having a healthy relationship to meet us guys that are from different church denominations." - Female, 33
"Great time getting to know others outside my usual circle in a safe and comfortable environment" - Female, 36
"It was a meaningful event, though was initially expecting some wet weather but we did managed to have a stroll as the weather permits the stroll part of the activity…" - Male, 31
"Yes it was good! Nice to know singles and foster community" - Male, 32
"Pretty chill Christmas hike that feels like a good paktor session and meeting of new friends" - Male, 35
"It was a great event that I am able to know more people through table rotation. I enjoy the stroll too." - Male, 38
"Could meet like minded people and of course good food and drinks." - Male, 40
The Great Reveal
13 Nov 2023
"It was a fun-filled event. Spending time getting to know each other within my group members and achieving various goals together was meaningful. It was nice to spend public holiday getting to know new people." - Female, 28
"Grateful to everyone who helped with the event! It was fun with so many people coming together to play and connect with one another." - Female, 30
"I enjoyed the Laser Tag event organised by the Team at Sacred Companion. It was a very worthwhile activity for us to get to know one another battle through a friendly competition." - Female, 31
"Once again, thank you for the team in organising this. A lot of team bonding activities to help with connecting like-minded Christians. Very fun and engaging activities that we are well-managed. Awesome work!" - Female, 31
"This is a fun-filled event! The duration of the event was just right because it gave me time to interact with others more organically. The laser tag segment was enjoyable and it brought out the competitiveness in most of the participants. Dinner was delicious! I enjoyed the spread!" - Female, 34
"Well organised programme with fun, adventurous activities like laser tag and photo hunt. It was also flexible and chill enough to allow participants to get to know each other better through interactions and different groupings. Thanks Sacred Companion!" - Female, 34
"Quite well organised event. Smart communication tactic as well. such as how did Grace turn an embarrassing question of point out people at the table from youngest to oldest to a more acceptable one. I enjoyed it well thanks so much SC." - Female, 36
"It's such a wonderful time. I don't feel the pressure to dress up just to present my best self." - Female, 39
"Thank you for organizing the events, even if they are at a loss of profits. Encouraging to see the men step up!" - Male, 31
"Event was really well put together and thought out! Very comfortable and friendly setting! The games where well put tgt with a good objective to allow us to get to know each other even if we might be a bit awkward at the start!" - Male, 35
"It was a load of fun! Think the interactions this time round is much better, it's almost like a walk and talk, food exploration and games event in one. Since it was a half day event." - Male, 35
"Ample time for fellowship and good times. laser tag is particularly exciting" - Male, 35
"Grace's ministry to the singles is inspiring and reminds of how much impact one can make to the lives of others when heeding the call of God. There's always a lot of unseen hard work put into these events - from the planning to recruiting, to the execution and post-event follow-up - and Grace has been able to ensure everything runs smoothly. Thank you for the enriching experiences and steps in building spiritual friendships. Let me know if I can be of help for future events! (:" - Male, 35
"Very chill and flexibility in the programming." - Male, 38
"It is a fun activity to brush up my social skills" - Male, 38
Chillax #5
25 Oct 2023
"Excellent, ice breaker games really helped to bring out the purpose of this event :) very chill and enjoyable" - Female, 25
"Thanks for always planning events for us Grace! This is really a good platform to make more friends" - Female, 27
"Really love the board games! Super fun! Would love to have another opportunity to play the remaining boardgames.:) Thank you for organising." - Female, 33
"I’m so happy to see some changes in shuffle tables, which is quite good for people shy to explore more. It create chances to know more people and exchange. Thanks for the good job." - Female, 36
"Simple yet effective means to expand one's social circle! Keep up the good work grace and team!" - Male, 27
"Great time of Chilling! A great break from work!" - Male, 30
"Nice ambience for us to wind down for the day" - Male, 30
"Enjoyed meeting new people and playing games. Thanks for arranging this!" - Male, 31
"It is a good community which get to know more friends" - Male, 32
"Thanks for organising these events! It’s a wonderful platform. Love the time to get to know people intentionally during round table" - Male, 37
Wake Up Your Idea
7 Oct 2023
"Getting to hear the other gender’s responses to our questions, thoughts and feelings to gauge how we should better communicate and understand the other gender better was something really beneficial and helpful :) Grateful to have the opportunity!" - Female, 28
"Thank you Grace for her passion in bring Christian singles. I gained new insights from the session" - Female, 31
"It was a good session, with plenty of fun and insightful chats. I look forward to more of such sessions in the future." - Female, 48
"Very happy to be able to meet and know fellow Christians and learn from all of their collective perspectives and insights" - Male, 28
"There event allowed singles from different walks of life to share our experiences in a level that we were comfortable with, which is an important reminder that we are not alone in this journey. Apart from learning things about the opposite gender, we were reminded of some fundamentals in the searching or dating process (e.g.: we are first brothers and sisters in Christ and that we are to honour one another). Good job Sacred Companion!" - Male, 29
"The event was well organised and prepared. The people are also friendly, fun and open so it was a good time to meet other Christians and gain more perspectives. Good job Grace!!" - Male, 36
"A great event for discussion and hearing different views." - Male, 38
Ephesians Bible Study
Mar - Oct 2023
"The bible study on Ephesians was really good! During the study, not only were we studying the word, but also about how to apply it into the word. What makes this unique is that we are all in this season of singlehood, and the struggles we face as a result, could be quite similar and we could then discuss the application better as a group. Really enjoyed the raw and deep sharing from each person in the group, and the bonds formed over time! Would definitely want to sign up for the next bible study by Sacred Companions! - Female, 23
"If you want to adjust your thoughts, actions and words to be more Christ-like and honoring God in your workplace / wherever God placed you at, go for this midweek activity!! It’ll really help in your spiritual walk with God too! :)" - Female, 28
"The bible study is very interesting as they are a lot of sharing about single hood." - Female, 33
"I enjoyed hearing the personal sharings of how one another applied biblical principles. Like iron sharpen iron!" - Female, 35
"Thank you Grace & Pst William for all your hard work and efforts, giving without expecting anything in return. Sowing seeds in all our life. Thank you once again and pls have a restful break :)" - Female, 35
"Enjoyed studying in an environment with Christians from different churches. Really encouraged by how the study was made relevant to singles, the sharing & learning & support from each other. Dedication of Grace & Ps William in providing in-depth study & encouragement with practical advice. Grace took a lot of effort to make the environment so welcoming with extra touches like goodie bags and snacks, all this at the organiser's expense. Grace truly a loving & talented organiser, feel greatly blessed. Will definitely sign up if there's another bible study class." - Female, 47
"Good for those who come in with an open mind and less expectations, but willing to understand others from different denominations" - Male, 28
"The groups discussions were helpful and authentic for us to share our struggles with fellow brothers and sisters on top of hearing different perspectives from different parts of the body of Christ! Really blessed that we can see how different parts of the body of Christ come together to love God and know Him more as a community." - Male, 29
"Thanks you Pastor William and Grace for opening up Bethel Presbyterian Church and facilitating the Bible study sessions. There’s definitely a lot of work done behind the scenes to facilitate the bible study. Although some of us may not have the most pleasant encounters with some of the participants, most issues were handled appropriately. I believe God wanted us to learn and grow from these experiences and be better Christians and be forebearing to one another." - Male, 30
"Grace knows how to lead and make participants feel like they are actively involved in the study. Be prepared to engage closely with the word, and be edified by the participation of fellow brothers and sisters in this study." - Male, 31
"It offers a space and time that very few church can offer - that is a safe space, similar life stages, across churches, to study the word of God and its application, while sharing struggles unique to singlehood." - Male, 34
MBS to Stadium Walk
23 Sep 2023
"It was a good time to catch up with people who I don’t see often and to exercise as a group to walk around 10 landmarks and it was also a good way to end the week!" - Female, 28
"Special thanks to the effort of the planning and organising committee. This helps to broaden our network within the christian community. Looking forward to more exciting updates!!" - Female, 31
"A safe and non-intimidating way to network and get to know like-minded individuals." - Female, 35
"Thanks Grace for organising this event! Good job on reshuffling the groups to create opportunities for us to talk to more people" - Male, 31
"It is a great event that I enjoyed myself getting to knowing friends while on a hike. There is also further interaction by having dinner together and getting to know one another better through post dinner discussion. It is also fun to play sparkles." - Male, 38
"Thanks for time and effort spent." - Male, 40
Chillax Night #4
16 Aug 2023
"If you want to connect with others, relax from your daily life & just chill, it’s a good way to unwind and take a break from your normal routine to play games!" - Female, 28
"Another fuss free event where we can socialise freely :)" - Female, 28
"Comfortable place to meet people" - Female, 32
"This events is very safe space for believers and also get to know more new friends." - Female, 33
"Had a fun night of playing games just now! Had a good laugh! A great way to know new people without the pressure of needing to do small talks! So no pressure! 👍" - Female, 34
"Made new friends and there were lots of fun and laughter throughout the night." - Female, 34
"Exciting card games to connect with people from past events, meeting new friends and old" - Male, 35
"Awesome" - Male, 37
" - Female
Chillax Night #3
19 Jul 2023
"The chillax sessions has allowed me to bond & share a greater appreciation for the common interests or sharing topics with people of similar faiths! It was a good time to wind down & see familiar & new faces + bond over topics together, especially with the jenga block questions!" - Female, 27
"Very enjoyable event! It was an evening well-spent with fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. Casual and fun without the awkwardness :)" - Female, 31
"Chillax nights is truly a place to have fun and chill" - Female, 32
"Thankful that we have such a Christian event to help Christians to break out from the comfort zone and also not to procrastinate to make new friends and connect better." - Female, 43
"Chilling with fellow likeminded Christians and sharing our ministries in church after a long day of work is really refreshing:)" - Male, 28
"I think the Wednesday Chillax Night really lives up to it's name and allow for bonding of the participants in a enjoyable and friendly atmosphere." - Male, 30
"This was a surprisingly great way to meet people and make new friends in an organic way which does not feel too "agenda-filled"." - Male, 35
"Glad to see friends from previous events and interactions, and welcoming new friends into the fold" - Male, 35
"Thanks for open up the church chapel for us to gather" - Male, 40
MacRitchie Walk
29 Jun 2023
"Very glad for the warmth of the SC community. It was a very chill and no frills - good for making new friends." - Female, 28
"To be able to hike/exercise as a community is something of a privilege and hope that we can have more hikes next time! :)" - Female, 28
"Sacred Companions Events are enriching, Grace plans the event well and provide details about the event through visuals and pictures. It's so amazing how she coordinates for the event for so many people to gather the single Christians together :) kudos to you Grace!!! :)" - Female, 35
"Appreciate Grace for taking the time and effort to organise this and recce-ing the route beforehand. She was also able to flexibly respond when there were weather / route changes. All in all amazing job at coordinating this outing for such a large number of us! (40-50+ participants)" - Female, 38
"Grace is attentive to the needs of the participants by answering enquiries and ensuring everyone is safe and happy." - Female, 43
"The event was a fun way to reconnect with some old friends I met in previous events, as well as make some new ones." - Male, 25
"It is really very good" - Male, 26
"Really fun group outing, meeting old friends and new" - Male, 35
"Not easy to organise the event. Thanks for the effort and hope you also enjoy every meet up." - Male, 40
"Great fellowship with fellow Christians" - Male, 55
Dinner + ilight Walk
8 Jun 2023
"Grace, thank God for you & for holding a space for us singles to have fellowship, and get to know our bros/sis in Christ! I’m encouraged to find some passionate individuals around here that are so on fire for God & I hope they find great friendships & God-willing, a suitable spouse from these interactions." - Female, 27
"Had a lot of fun just walking around, mingling with different people, just listening and getting to know their stories ^^" - Female, 32
"Thanks Grace for all the effort and time to make this gathering happened. It was nice to enjoy the night scene and iLight, not alone! Thanks for the fellowship." - Female, 39
"Friendly walk for a nice event & place. Good chance to mingle & chit chat. No stress nor awkwardness. Tks much for your kind initiative." - Female, 57
"Great evening spent getting to know other Christians :)" - Male, 26
"I think the event on the whole is pretty well run, and while the group size does make it challenging at times, the coordinator does a really good job at staying true to the root of the event and making it such that people are free to fellowship. Would recommend an open view especially if you wish to make new friends!" - Male, 30
"It was a long meaningful walk, though at this time most of us would rather choose to stay at home to rest for the day after a day of work, I feel it would be better to have a good chat after work with meaningful interaction and conversation." - Male, 31
"Fun and unique events to introduce, spark and enhance engagement as friends with common interests and views!" - Male, 35
"Love the hosting of the event! Event was fun; The free-and-easy arrangements made it relaxing and enjoyable to connect with the rest ; and the company of people are just nice and easy to talk to. Can’t wait for the next event!" - Male, 36
Real Talk Workshop
2 Jun 2023
"Really enjoyed learning more about how to apply Ephesians 5 to relationships practically and hearing realistic and insightful examples and sharing from everyone :)" - Female, 26
"Many activities like watching videos, discussion, penning our thoughts, presentation, Q&A, all to help us think, process, and learn. Well organised and informative workshop! Thank you Grace and Ps William for your time and detailed effort in doing this workshop :)" - Female, 31
"The workshop is different from the usual type where it is just a talk and Q&A. This workshop has opportunities for us to interact with the same gender to discuss further on the verses and got to also know the opposite gender's perspectives too! It was definitely insightful and interesting! Would be nice to have more of such events in the future!:)" - Female, 34
"An insightful workshop into the Biblical experience of dating and marriage that was facilitated with so much heart by Grace and Pastor William! It covers the pitfalls of a relationship that is grounded on self rather than God/sacrificial love as well as provides a Biblical model of relationships. The discussion questions provide room for authentic discourse instead of settling on stock and politically correct answers." - Female, 35
"Ps William and Grace did a fantasic job of not shying away from the touchy topics and handling them well in a safe, honouring, and nurturing manner. Asking participants to give their insights and practical actions in the short and long term also ensured that the takeaways will be well absorbed." - Male, 29
"The event has been very informative, insightful & discussion was in-depth. Allowing me to understand Ephesians 5 better & understand the phases in dating." - Male, 29
"I received a lot of very helpful tips on what to do if I were to get into a relationship. In addition, this workshop shows that there are a lot of things we can get started with while waiting for God to do His work!" - Male, 32
"Godly submission between couples is not an easy topic to cover. Thank God that Pastor William and Grace were able to speak truth, with love, on a topic that is contrary to worldly wisdom. Thank God for their heart to serve and better prepare when we step into Godly relationships" - Male, 34
"It’s a Great activity for me that lives up to its promise to be word-focussed. The sessions were also interesting, because this allows me too hear viewpoints from the other gender. Pastor William was insightful and helpful in sharing the word and practical advices. Grace was very relevant on issues regarding dating today. Exciting also to know others of the faith and opposite in gender. Choice of pizza for lunch was definitely perfect! (Laughs)" - Male, 36
Chillax Night #2
17 May 2023
"It's a really chill event and I liked how there weren't any pressure of any sort to make friends. Initially it was a bit daunting but I think it was overall a good experience! Thank you for organising it!" - Female, 28
"I feel that the Chillax Nights is a good event for casual conversation with other singles we have never meet before from other churches to happen. And there is no pressure to really make a good impression of ourselves since its not a dating event, so we can truly relax and be somewhat ourselves." - Female, 29
"I enjoyed the Chill Singles Meetup Activity as it was not as awkward as I thought to be :) though It was my first time attending the event, I like how open it is, to just get to know others...! :) thank you Grace!!" - Female, 35
"A simple, relaxed and heartwarming event to get to know other Christian singles in a no-pressure environment!" - Male, 26
"A great way to meet new friends outside of current circles, and (re)connecting with others from previous events and ongoing Ephesians study." - Male, 35
"The event provides a conducive environment for Christians to have meaningful fellowship through board games and activities without the pressure to know everyone. Well done, Grace, keep up the good work!" - Male, 48
Nature Walk @ Botanic
6 May 2023
"I like how a suitable setting was created for us to get to know many new people and have nice conversations with each other." - Female, 31
"I enjoyed nature walks and the duration of the walk is just nice. The walk make it such that we can casually chat with everyone, making new friends. Grace was very patient, detailed in her planning, and I like how she can carry it out in such an easy going manner. Thank you so much for planning, Grace! Look forward to the next event by Sacred Companion. ❤️" - Female, 33
"Thanks Grace for organising this event with so much effort and dedication put in. Not easy for you as there were 30 over participants that came. Wanna take this time to just show my appreciation and respect to you for doing this for us singles! God honours u as u honour Him ❤️" - Female, 34
"Enjoyed the walk, getting to know new friends and the lunch fellowship! Very thankful for Grace’s intentionality!" - Female, 41
"It is one of the best events and getting to know other Christians in a big group setting broadens my horizon." - Male, 26
"Got to know more Christian singles who are interested in doing life together. Come with an open heart, leave with a full one!" - Male, 31
"Another great event! Its good to simply walk and talk and getting to know fellow Christians! Thanks Grace for organising!" - Male, 34
"It is a great outing and I enjoyed the fellowship after the outing. It will be nice if there are more meaningful activities organized during the walk. Great effort though!" - Male, 48
Chillax Night #1
17 Apr 2023
"I had loads of fun getting to know each and everyone who came and participated today!" - Female, 28
"I think this is such a non-threatening way of connecting with new people and making friends. I highly recommend those who are shy to join us for such events!" - Female, 30
"It was a very relaxed environment and not stressful although some games were new to some of us. Those who knew the games patiently explained and guided us and we could bond quite easily through the games." - Female, 31
"We get to know more Christians and play card games. It was a really fun event, better than I expected. Looking forward for more of such events again!:)" - Female, 34
"I very grateful able to have fun yet same time see more believer's come together and enjoy the fellowship" - Male, 25
"This is the event to make new friends and connections and has the LEAST pressure to try and be impressive. Highly recommend. Come with a chill mindset and it will work out great for you. Don’t put pressure on yourself when the event already don’t have" - Male, 30
Cajon Socials
13 Apr 2023
"It was a really fun experience to get to meet other Christian people! Looking forward to more of such events." - Female, 28
"It was very fun to play a new thing with friends! I also made a new friends around me :)" - Female, 29
""I loved the atmosphere and everyone was quite enthusiastic about it. Thankful for organizers who put in so much effort to make us feel comfortable and help us enjoy the event!" - Female, 30
"Really great effort in organizing an event such as this! The community of people who joined was really one of the biggest factor that contributed to the success of this event." - Female, 31
"Can sense the sincerity of the organisers to have a safe platform for singles to meet, which is good." - Female, 46
"Thankful to God that such a ministry exist! The fact that it was a dating event helps to break the awkwardness regarding relationship questions (since we all know we are here for that)." - Male, 24
"I'm the complete opposite of being musically inclined and I enjoyed the event!!! - Male 32
"Love the community and the fun activity! Would love to meet again" - Male, 32
Relationship Q&A
26 Mar 2023
"Super thankful of the panelists and an eventful and restful Sunday to end the weekend" - Female, 28
"Very insightful, the answers to the questions sit well with me, and I feel it's really good and godly advice. It was also really good that we got to meet new friends and fellowship more over dinner after the Q&A." - Female, 31
"Finally a Christian Community for singles to connect and interact organically with clear agenda of meeting singles yet not pressurising. This is the first that I've come across. Thank you, Grace for being faithful and bold to kickstart such a ministry to reach many across SG.- Female,32
"Enjoyed myself with the genuine answers from the panel, the wonderful dinner meal, and the conversations with those around me (:" - Male, 25
"Excellent Event - Immensely Grateful to Grace, Pastor William & the BLS-Team@5PH for their efforts in organising & putting together this very meaningful & interactive session - Definitely look forward to the next SC-SG event !!" - Male, 28
"Very much needed testimony for singles and people looking for marriage. Good job Grace and team. Your work is much needed by us" - Male, 34
Valentines Outing
18 Feb 2023
"Event was very good as I managed to connect with like minded individuals of both genders. Thank you!!" - Female, 30
"Well organised and memorable event to flower dome & avatar experience! From the ice-breakers, activities to facilitate interaction such as doing snap shots and intermingling rotations - Helps us to make new friends in the process." - Female, 34
"Really appreciated the opportunities to meet with Christians across different churches and the post-event facilitated matching." - Female, 41
"The organizers were very friendly and could tell that they have put in quite a fair bit of effort putting together the event! The location selection was good and there was ample opportunity to walk and chat while participating in the group activity that was prepared for us to do in teams at our own time. It was nice to meet people from different churches, there was quite a diverse group! Would recommend for people who are looking for a safe space to make new friends!" - Male, 28
"Enjoyed the informal dinner session as well. Everyone is helpful and looking forward to the next event." - Male, 29
Christmas Mingle
11 Dec 2022
"The atmosphere generated was not awkward at all. The group setting made things comfortable for speaking as acquaintances. Somehow the participants were all respectful, so the interactions were pleasant!" - Female, 34
"I enjoyed the christmas mingle event considering it is my first time and the environment is so chill and wholesome. The Jenga activity is fun and a good way to keep conversations going." - Female, 36
"I enjoyed myself during the Christmas mingle event getting to know more people! The venue was cosy and the groupings and activities were thoughtfully done to allow for meaningful interactions among the participants." - Female, 38
"The event is well organized, with the rotation in place, I get to mingle to dialogue with different individuals in a group setting, over the meal. Will definitely attend again if there is similar event in future." - Female, 38
"Event was smooth and well planned. Age range was great as well." - Male, 29
"Event was well facilitated with games and sufficient time for participants to get to know each other" - Male, 30
"Well thought out range of events, with quality time for conversations during and following the dinner" - Male, 34