My spiritual life seems to be cyclical.
There are moments I'm on fire for the Lord.
There are moments I'm losing steam.
There are moments I'm so in love with Jesus.
There are moments, I feel lonely even with Jesus.
Why do such moments exist?
Why can't I be 24/7 on fire for the Lord?
Am I a weak Christian?
The danger of gospel amnesia.
"Gospel amnesia means I continue to anxiously search for what has already been fully given to me in the person, presence and work of Jesus." - Paul David Tripp

In this season, God is revealing how I have forgotten that I'm living in a fallen world and in deep need of His grace.
In the unseen realm, there is a war between my sinful self wanting to build a kingdom for myself (i.e. satisfy my fleshy needs, build my reputation, gain favor...etc) and my renewed self that wants to build the Kingdom of God.
Consequences of Gospel Amnesia
When I forget my need for the gospel...
My study of God's word brings me to my desk but seldom to my knees.
I lose my awe in the Creator and start focusing on the creation.
Instead of getting my identity vertically,
I seek for it horizontally through situations, experiences and relationships/friendships.
Jesus paid it all
I was feeling kinda "shitty" when God revealed my heart wasn't in the right place...
I felt shameful... that as a Christian...
How could I forget the power of the gospel?
And then it hit me...
Isn't that the very essence of grace? It's when I don't deserve it that Christ died for me.
"I do not have to be haunted by what may be exposed about me, because everything that could ever be exposed has already been covered by the blood of Jesus." - Paul David Tripp
Renewal through Christ
During my 2 weeks break, God reminded me that I am a child of God, in daily need of grace, in the middle of my own sanctification and in need of the body of Christ around me.
I spent the days refreshing myself in the Lord.
Instead of worrying about work/life...
I started my day thanking Him for life.
Instead of being in a rush...
I filled myself with awe as
I gaze upon His creation.
When my heart was quiet...
The Lord began to speak through my surroundings, friends, family, scripture...

When my heart is renewed...
I began to be thankful instead of resentful.
I began to be excited instead of fearful.
I began to love instead of judge.
I began to trust instead of doubt.
I start to see the need to preach the gospel to myself daily because Sunday sermons and service aren't enough.
God doesn't want a once a week relationship.
He invites all of us to commune with Him through Christ, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
When my heart is His...
• I find the courage to once again yearn to be a part of His Church and body of Christ.
• I see the need to dwell in God's truth and surround myself with people who will speak truth into my life.
• I atune myself to the prompting of the Spirit and enjoy my time with Jesus.
Will I fall again into a state of gospel amnesia? Likely yes. That is WHY I need to preach the gospel to myself daily.
Thankfully, my salvation is not dependent on my human strength. The Holy Spirit dwells within me and helps me to plant God's truth deep within me.
Dear SC Fam,
Grace and peace be unto all of us who have fallen into a state of gospel amnesia.
"Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things... Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts." - Colossians 3: 1 - 2, 16 (NIV)
Do you believe in the power of a community that is rooted in God's word?
SC Social Night (June Edition)
Come join us for SC Social Night on 22 June 2024 (Sat) from 5pm - 9pm. Get 20% early bird discount when you sign up by 31 May. Click here to sign up.

Programs aside, social nights aim to create space for the body of Christ to gather and support each other. We aren't meant to walk alone in this journey of faith. We need friends who can wake us up and point us back to the gospel when we stray away.
While there are activities planned to explore the theme of "Love Recipe - The Traits We Overlook In The Opposite Gender"...
We will end the night ANCHORED in truth from God's word. Do keep this event in prayer and share it with friends 🙏🏻